A gold bullhorn: the most important thing you can do for your new business.


Declare Yourself: The Most Important Thing you Can Do To Kickstart your New Business

March 7, 2022

Hello, I'm tabitha
I’m a Co-Active clarity coach and fellow creative—sharing my magical mix of mindfulness, motivation, and momentum to get you where you want to go.
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Declare Yourself : New Biz Owners Take Note!

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“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Whether you are looking to start a new business, a new hobby, or a new habit in 2022, the most powerful thing you can do right now is to declare yourself. Your mindset matters, and speaking what will BE into the universe works.

Yes, setting up a legal entity, getting your taxes in order, building a website, an instagram and a newsletter… It’s all important if you want to start a new business. And the list goes on. It’s A LOT. I’m feeling overwhelmed just typing that, and of course there’s actually way more to do to build a successful business.

The To-Do list is neverending. 
There is no finish line.

You cannot DO it all at once, AND you cannot wait until you do it all to start. 
Read that again.
It’s so hard, it’s simple.
If you wait until it’s perfect, or let’s be real, if you wait until it’s done, you’ll never actually start.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
Please toss your dreams in the receptacle on your way out.


Take a deep breath.
Just BE.

Who are you being or becoming right now?

Declare yourself. 

Make it short. Make it clear. And make it a full sentence.

I AM a Clarity Coach. 
I AM a Person who __________.
I AM _____________.

It’s a complete thought.
A full sentence.
And a powerful tool.

Now hopefully it goes without saying that you should not “declare” yourself a doctor, a lawyer, a yogi or any other profession or honorific that must be bestowed upon you. 

And yet, you can still 100% declare yourself:
I am going to be a doctor.

Try it out. 
There is clarity there, and an unwavering commitment. 
And while I personally love a little woo, declaring yourself is not all esoteric nonsense. 

Here are 5 practical reasons why declaring yourself works:

1. Awareness
It shifts your awareness. This is called the The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon or Frequency Illusion and means that you are much more likely to notice something that you’ve been thinking about or just recently learned about in your environment, as though it is new. You buy a red car and now you notice red cars everywhere.  In reality you just weren’t paying attention to all the red cars that were there before. 

Cue the *new* opportunities popping up all around you.

  1. Connection 

It shifts other people’s awareness of you. You tell people who you are, and now your colleagues/friends/family are more likely to think of you when opportunities that are perfect for you come up in their day-to-day life too.

  1. Confidence. 

It increases your confidence. When you make a choice and follow through on it. Show up for yourself.

  1. Momentum

Decision fatigue is real. Deciding what to do is exhausting. Momentum is the real magic. So get started. 

  1. Clarity  

Action precedes clarity. You can’t see the view from the bottom of the trail- you’ve gotta get hiking. So if you are longing for something new or different this year- let’s go. 

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it. Begin it now.”


Here are 5 ways to declare yourself today:

  1. Write it down
  2. Say it out loud 
  3. Update your linkedin / social media / website
  4. Tell someone what you do and don’t over explain.
  5. Email a friend/family member/colleague

Thanks for spending a few minutes with me today friends!

I’d love to hear your declarations- drop me an email hello@tabithaabercrombie.com or slide into my DM’s over on IG.

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I'm Tabitha:

I'm a co-active clarity coach, entrepreneur, and floral designer who helps creatives get unstuck by clarifying their purpose so they can take confident action and turn their passion into profit. I can’t wait to hear your unique story and help you move with joy & ease in YOUR very best direction.
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